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Monthly Archive

April 2003

Welcome to our Archives page. On this page you will find a total of 16 of our articles broken down into Months and Years.
Issue 43 (July - September 2003)
Jay Willoughby

Editorial (Issue 43)

The desire to play God remains as strong as ever. We still see depictions of those who believe in their own divinity, although they might not use that exact word. We see ordinary people confer their a... read more..

Issue 42 (April - June 2003)
M. Fethullah Gulen

Time To Pray

We use prayer to turn to the Eternally Merciful God, present ourselves to Him, and ask Him to meet all of our needs. We entreat Him humbly and submissively, fully aware of our status as weak, poor, an... read more..

Issue 42 (April - June 2003)
Hasan Guclu

Six Degrees of Separation or Small World

Introduction In his Models of My Life, social scientist Herbert Simon stated that science's purpose is to find meaningful simplicity in the midst of disorderly complexity. Although the systems in nat... read more..

Issue 42 (April - June 2003)
Osman Cakmak

The New Aspect of the Matter and Energy

In the early 1930s, when scientists began to penetrate the very small, they thought that they had found matter's elementary unit, for now they knew that all matter consisted of atoms that, in turn, co... read more..

Issue 42 (April - June 2003)
Talha Ugurluel

Where is Hollywood Heading?

American movies dominate the global film industry. Almost everyone is exposed to these Hollywood clips and movies to some degree. Now that the communication systems are so well developed, the film ind... read more..

Issue 42 (April - June 2003)
Kenan Sener

Carpe Diem

Anyone who has ever seen the movie Dead Poets Society will remember the scene on the first day at school. The English teacher, Prof. Keating (Robin Williams), drags his boys out of the classroom into ... read more..

Issue 42 (April - June 2003)
Alphonse Dougan

Prophets as Teachers

Prophets are the spiritual teachers of humanity. As the people selected by God to deliver His message to humanity, they were exemplary educators and role models. Therefore, teachers and parents should... read more..

Issue 42 (April - June 2003)
Hasan Horkuc

Reconsidering Islamic Pluralism in the Contemporary World (1)

The subject of religious pluralism can provoke a great deal of controversy. One could consider all religious knowledge as relative and, therefore, assert that no religion can claim to have the absolut... read more..

Issue 42 (April - June 2003)
Bediuzzaman Said Nursi

The Twelfth Word

This Word presents a brief comparison between the Qur'an's sacred wisdom and human philosophy, a concise summary of the Qur'anic instruction and training for humanity's personal and social life.  read more..

Issue 42 (April - June 2003)
Mohamad Abdalla

Modern Science's Debt to Islamic Civilization

Introduction The debt that Briffault speaks of is often referred to as though it should be taken for granted: The Arabs only transmitted Greek science and made no contribution to the overall history ... read more..

Issue 42 (April - June 2003)
Baris Coskun

The Shape of the Universe

The Shape of the Earth Ancient people, considering it very important to determine Earth'shape, derived two important clues from the night skies. According to Aristotle (384-322 bce), these were lunar... read more..

Issue 42 (April - June 2003)
Tugrul Yanik

The Rise of Visual Information

Interpreting many events into visual information has become the dominant way of perceiving and learning in many fields: from psychology to chemistry, and from medical science to astronomy and computer... read more..

Issue 42 (April - June 2003)
B. Mumtaz Aydin

For Whom Is the Medieval Era Dark?

In elementary school, we learned about various eras: Prehistoric, Antiquity, Medieval, the Renaissance, and Modernity. But we were not told that these designations, in fact, were relevant only in the ... read more..

Issue 42 (April - June 2003)
Dr. Selim Aydin

The Building Blocks of Life

The biological structure of living beings is based on chemical compounds formed by carbon elements bounding to other elements or to themselves. These compounds are named as biological molecules, macro... read more..

Issue 42 (April - June 2003)
Hikmet Isik

How does the Qur'an regard "knowledge"?

Q:What are the differences between the Islamic and the modern scientific points of view on knowledge (ilm)? How does the Qur'an regard knowledge? A: Genuine knowledge (ilm) is a source of infinite li... read more..

Issue 42 (April - June 2003)
Jay Willoughby

Interfaith Dialog and Peacebuilding

David R. Smock (Editor). Interfaith Dialogue and Peacebuilding.(United States Institute of Peace Press: 2002)150 pages, ISBN 1-929223-35-8.  In our increasingly diverse societies, we interact with pe... read more..

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